CMSS Critical Success Factors

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Critical success factors refer to specific elements, procedures or key areas that an organization heavily relies on, for success and proficiency. These factors, as the name suggest, are critical for success and a lack of them can hamper the progress of the whole process. The Critical Success factors, when inculcated in the business environment, lead to a user friendly and relevant approach towards achievement. The following Critical Success Factors, identified at CMSS, provide an insight into the most important procedures that eventually result into successful accomplishments of pre-conceptualized strategies and goals.

Managing Interfaces

  • Once development kicks into place, all interfaces between the organizations involved in a project are defined and understood by everyone involved. This can only achieved by defining interfaces clearly and with everyone’s agreement.
  • Complete transparency of operations.
  • Regular steering committee meetings.

Ensuring Predictable Deliveries

  • A well-defined entry and exit criteria for each task.
  • Methodologies tailored to the client's requirement.
  • Project wide standards and guidelines.
  • Well-established quality controls.
  • Regular status reporting and feedback cycle.

Retaining Business and Functional knowledge

  • Detailed documentation through Peoplesoft
  • Identify a core team that takes charge of the affairs of the offshore development centre, takes management decisions, works to improve quality and productivity and mentors new people

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CM successfully completes development of a Leading Mobile Retail Company's E-commerce WebStore.